Most men who respond to body massage ads still think and expect that they are responding to a sex ad. This is often the case and can make the job of a real masseuse more difficult. While sex is fun and rewarding, many men do not understand the importance and benefits of a real body massage. This may be due to social conditioning and the influence of the term body massage, which has unfortunately become a euphemism for an unrelated activity. Here, we introduce the enormous benefits of the art of massage and how it can be a subtle, discreet, yet powerful intimacy.
Body massage as a holistic concept
Body massage is one of the most effective forms of physical contact in intimate relationships and therapy. Combined with essential oils, this is its most important use in aromatherapy, since it combines the healing power of touch with the properties of essential oils selected for a specific person at a specific time.
Body massage, with or without essential oils, formalizes a very primitive instinct: when a child falls, his mother rubs his bad knee. When we stumble and bruise, our thoughtless first reaction is to rub the painful area. And when we spot a friend in need, we offer them a reassuring hug. All of these are forms of healing, whether on a physical or emotional level. Rubbing a painful part of the body stimulates blood flow in the tiny capillaries beneath the surface of the skin, which helps to relieve pain. Hugs are a way to express the care and love that words cannot express.
Body massage and sex have both kinds of healing
The masseuse applies different strokes to relieve pain, loosen stiff muscles, increase blood circulation, and have other positive effects on the body. She applies the strokes to the muscles that are visible below the surface of the skin. And the effect also benefits the deeper muscle layers and the organs underneath. Somebody massages are aimed at helping only the physical body. But it creates an overall sense of well-being and enhances the level of relaxation you experience after the massage. After this deep relaxation, you will have new energy. The effects of a body massage are cumulative. Most massage recipients feel comfortable for several hours after the massage. And if you have a body massage regularly, the sense of well-being after each treatment will last even longer.
Body massage has several great benefits
Body massage makes you aware that you are tensing certain muscles unnecessarily, so it relaxes tense muscles and acts as a re-education. It also teaches us to feel the difference between tense or contracted muscles and relaxed muscles. We often do not realize that we have tensed certain muscles until we feel them relaxing during and after the massage. It is quite natural for muscles to tense when we feel mental tension. However, it is important to be able to let go of this tension before the tense muscles cause discomfort and discomfort in the mind, creating a vicious cycle of tension. Thus, mental stress can cause physical symptoms. Body massage can break this cycle, especially when using essential oils that have a calming, soothing, and uplifting effect on the body and mind.
The spiritual connection between the masseuse and the massage recipient
Some systems of body massage, such as Oriental body massage and the various types of intuitive body massage developed over the last 40 years further deepen the mind-body connection. Thus, they primarily address the relationship between the mental and physical states of the massage recipient. Releasing physical tension often leads to the release of emotions. This can be related to the person’s current situation or something that has been building up in the body for a long time. Before such catharsis can occur, the masseuse and practitioner must build a relationship of deep trust and compassion, and this build-up occurs over several treatments. One of the underlying ideas of Eastern body massage is that by gently working with the surface tension of the body, deeper tensions can be brought to the surface and ultimately released.