There are already some texts in the blog on this topic, but we can already tell you that this is a major distinctive feature in women’s lives. A woman who knows how to perform a TS escort can enjoy some advantages for her pleasure and the pleasure of others.
In other words, women can strengthen the muscles in the pelvic floor. This way you can prevent urinary incontinence, increase lubrication, and deal with the health of TS escorts.
And that’s not all, right? Increased sexual pleasure is extremely important for both a woman and her partner. After all, women’s TS escorts allow them to perform pressure and massage movements on the penis during penetration.
That’s right! It can be said that women who are escorts are considered the goddesses of beds. Do you want to be this woman? Next, read this text and find the TS escorts you need to learn!
TS escorts Maneuver All Women Must Learn
Before explaining what these TS escorts are, let me give you a quick explanation of what you make of the point, right? This is a movement that a woman can do with her partner’s penis with her TS escorts’ muscles. This is in fucking.
As soon as you learn how to make these moves when you do it for the first time, you can be sure you will drive your boy insane, he doesn’t even know what will happen, he I vet it. And then he probably wants more!
TS escorts, what do you need to know before you start?
Is pumping okay for everything in life? It doesn’t happen like magic. Therefore, it is important to practice exercises to strengthen your Localxlist so that you can perform the following actions:
The blog has some tips for simple exercises. It’s worth checking out! Are we coming to operate now? Only through TS escorts can you imagine what this operation is, right? And it happens in two ways.
The first one is: When penetration begins, simply penetrate the head of the penis into the vagina. Performs a contraction movement TS escorts already gives him a delicious feeling.
And the second way to run a struggling TS escorts is to carry out the same movement at the foot of your penis. You only need a penis completely inside the vagina and need to perform the contraction movement.
A big advantage is that applying these TS escorts based on the slow ejaculation. If the guy is just before the jump and you still want more sex, try this second option.